Getting enough protein as a vegetarian

I put together this super simple guide for a vegetarian client of mine to help with one of his biggest struggles during our program GETTING ENOUGH PROTEIN, a concern for many vegetarians and vegans.
It might provide some of you with value so I thought I’d share.
For those of you that are new to my page or just don’t know, I was actually vegetarian for the first 8 years of my training career and when I lost 50lbs, so you can definitely be vegetarian and build muscle/lose weight.
But if you don’t understand the role that protein and different nutrients play you won’t know why or how to make the vegetarian diet effective for your goals.
This is not a guide showing how a certain sized serving of edamame can equal a the amount of protein from a serving of lean beef or chicken 😂 those are pretty impractical in my personal opinion. Who is out there eating just 100g of beans. So for this guide I want to emphasis a few other things.
1. Eating all the “high protein” vegetarian foods in the word doesn’t matter if you don’t end up getting enough total grams of protein everyday, week, etc. I hear all my vegetarian friends ask for high protein foods they should eat but they never ask for HOW MUCH they should eat. focus on the total number of grams at the end of the day and finding the foods to fit into that so you can reverse engineer your diet vs guessing in the dark 😂
2. Next I actually did put some food items on this list, they might sound kinda generic but that’s the point! If I tell you to eat the same foods over and over again then you won’t stick to it. I picked these for their VERSATILITY, you can change up the flavor, seasoning, add more to it and experiment with the quantities that work for your diet.
Once you center your day around these high protein meals fitting in a little pizza, or ice cream to your caloriesbecomes a lot more manageable.
Were these tips helpful? I know there’s a lot of misinformation and bias out there on these subjects so just I tried to make something as informative as possible and leave my opinion out of it.
If you’re vegetarian and want help setting up your diet to build muscle send me a DM

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